Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

My Self Description [Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2]

My name is Singgih Kurniawan Putra, the name given by my parents is as meaning: Singgih which means stopover (coming), Kurniawan means gift, and Putra is the meaning of boy. In this blog I want to describe myself from the behavior, deficiencies and advantages in me.

To be honest I do not know how to describe myself, which I know from people closest like family and friends he said I am a good person, cheerful, sociable, curiosity, optimistic and a bit strange. I think that kindness must be owned by everyone, so who says I'm a good person does not make me at all proud.
Cheerful, yaaaa many told me that my self is cheerful. Perhaps this trait is the result of descent from my cheerful mother and of course I am very grateful with the cheerful nature that I have, I can entertain my friends and make me so much easier to know other people. Sociable, my father once said "hang out with anyone out there, but remember your limits". The word was always spoken by my father when I was 10 years old, with such motivation I became brave to get acquainted with anyone and no age.
Having a high sense of self-curiosity whether it is a pride or a bad haha, whatever it is I still enjoy my curiosity about anything good about the inanimate, living creatures, the sky, whatever underwater that is still a mystery because with that curiosity You can have an argument about anything.
Optimistic, if I have a goal to achieve something, then I will be very earnest to achieve it even though the sense of lazy come.
And the last thing is a bit strange, maybe by looking at the posts above the reader can already know "a little strange" of my self is like what XD. Maybe that's some description of the positive things (advantages) in me.

To describe the negative things (deficiencies) in me is sometimes I like to be alone and do not want to be disturbed, there is no specific reason why I like that. Selfishness, this nature that sometimes makes me forget myself what is the meaning of friendship and sometimes my friend hit me just to make me selfish. Arrogant, honestly arrogant to the friends has a sense of pride in itself but that is only for a moment, and when I am arrogant to my friends, I immediately regret it very much. Actually what I am arrogant is not supposed to and should not be arrogant even can be said I am not worth acting like a snob. Stingy, this nature that I really do not feel at all but there are some people who say that I am stingy, I still do not know maxut from the stingy words they say, whether stingy material or stingy science or other stingy? Hehe…. Idlers, yapss need not be said by others, even my own parents say always scold me because too lazy to do something. Haha bad things to be proud of, how stupid I am ...

I think that's enough for the descriptions in me both the advantages and disadvantages of myself and those who judge me.

Oh yaa ,,,, there are additional sentences from my dad:
"Nowadays kindness is worthless, do not believe it? Try asking your friends who always help you at all times, tell your friends to mention your badness in 10 seconds of course without thinking and already outside their heads there are 20 even more vices you can mention, but if you tell them to mention your kindness during this time, of course mention 5 goodness they must think hard "

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