Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

My Role Model

Role model

Why do we need to have role models? 
is it important to have a role model? 
whether the role model should be from the people closest?

Having a role model is very important, why? because having a role model indirectly helps us to see the whole of our dreams. Role model is not a figure that we must imitate the way of life. Because by following the footsteps of one role model alone is not necessarily the result will be the same as the role model. It's good to have a role model not just one.

For example I have 3 role model figures, namely Albert Einsten, Bill Gates and my father. Of the three figures that is the role of my model. Many lessons I can take and I want to be like them.

From the role model, I learned how to think in solving problems like Bill Gates "Lazy people are better at solving a problem, because lazy people will find it easy to find the easiest way out". To be honest I'm a lazy person and I admit that's what I do when there's a problem of finding the easiest way out. Then like Einstein, I do not like when learning equally level with the smart people because my ability is different from them and I prefer to learn alone (self-taught). And finally my role model is my dad, I learned how to work hard, smart thinking, and happy people around me.

My purpose in choosing these three role models is so that I better understand myself, know where I am going to grow and understand how best to achieve my dreams.

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